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The videos reportedly involve high-ranking civil servant Baltasar Ebang Engonga having sex with various women - including the wives of prominent officials - in his office. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, also known as "Bello," is a prominent figure in Equatorial Guinea. Born on March 15, 1970, in Malabo, he pursued studies in economics and finance earning his degree from the University of Malabo. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, now 54, is married and has six children. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, Director General of Equatorial Guinea's National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), is currently at the center of a major scandal after authorities discovered The National Financial Investigation Agency Director Baltasar Ebang Engonga, is seen in flagrante with various partners including the wives of prominent officials at his office in the Finance Baltasar Ebang Engonga after becoming the head of the National Financial Investigation Agency He made headlines in November 2024 when the Anti-graft National Agency for Financial Investigation (ANIF) raided his office and house for economic fraud. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, a key figure in Equatorial Guinea's fight against financial corruption, has been thrust into the spotlight following the discovery of over 400 explicit videos allegedly filmed in his office. Biography. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, widely known as "Bello," is a prominent figure in Equatorial Guinea.He is a businessman, politician, and investor. He was born on March 15, 1970, in Malabo. With a degree in economics and finance from the University of Malabo, he has built a notable career in the financial sector, ultimately becoming the Director General of the National Financial Baltasar Ebang Engonga Avomo (born 15 March 1970) is an Equatoguinean public official currently serving as the head of the National Agency for Financial Investigation (ANIF). [3] His role involves managing financial regulations and investigations focused on preventing financial crimes, such as money laundering and

corruption, in compliance with both national and international financial standards. Biography Wikipedia: Baltasar Ebang Engonga (born 1970) is an Equatoguinean Economist, Public Servant and the DG of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF) - a body which fights corruption in Equatorial Guinea. Baltasar Ebang Engonga, the Director General of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF) in Equatorial Guinea, is a prominent figure in the country's efforts to combat financial crime and corruption. However, his career has recently been overshadowed by a significant scandal involving And so, at 400 plus confirmed and recorded cases, Baltasar Ebang Engonga's polygamy and bed hopping exploits far surpass those of the likes of King Mswati, Akuku Danger and others of similar calibre, and are on the realms of King Solomon of the Bible." Moving on, Onyinkwa satirised that the name "Ebang" also has something to do with the videos. Le Directeur de l'Agence nationale d'investigation financière de Guinée équatoriale, Baltasar Ebang Engonga, a été démis de ses fonctions après la diffusion Instrucţiunea cu privire la înregistrarea bunurilor imobile şi a drepturilor asupra lor (Ordinul Agenţiei Relaţii Funciare şi Cadastru nr.112 din 2005); Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 966/2020 cu privire la serviciile prestate de către Agenţia Servicii Publice. Dovada împuternicirii (procură sau împuternicirea MPower), după caz. Documentarea conducătorilor de vehicule. Vezi lista. Lista adreselor de prestare a serviciilor de examinare a conducătorilor de vehicule >>>. Centru multifuncţional SîngereiAdresa: str. Independenţii, nr. 95, bl. 3.Numărul de telefon: (+373 262) 2-18-48, (+373 262) 2-18-38, (+373 262) 2-18-22.Programarea la servicii: 14 909, (+373 262) 2 Elaborarea acestei pagini a avut loc cu suportul financiar al Proiectului Susținere pentru consolidarea în continuare a eficienței și

calității sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova, parte a Parteneriatului CoE / UE pentru Buna Guvernare 2019-2021 în Țările Parteneriatului Estic (PGG II). În corespundere cu prevederile art. 39 alin.(8) din Codul electoral nr.325/2022, Comisia Electorală Centrală (CEC), în colaborare cu Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE), dau publicității informațiile preliminare despre posibilele locații ale secțiilor de votare din străinătate ce urmează a fi constituite pentru desfășurarea referendumului republican constituțional și a