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Actor Oviya Helen filed a complaint with the Chennai Police on Wednesday against the circulation of fake videos on social media which the alleged perpetrators claimed to be her "leaked private" scenes. The fake videos were created and widely circulated on X (formerly Twitter) purposefully to insult Oviya, the actor's manager told the press Oviya, the popular actress known for her roles in Tamil and Malayalam cinema, has finally addressed the rumors surrounding an alleged leaked video that had social media buzzing. Since Saturday Oviya, a prominent Indian actress, recently reacted to a leaked private video that went viral. Her lighthearted response confirmed its authenticity, earning praise from fans for her composed attitude. Oviya, a contestant from Bigg Boss Tamil Season 1, found herself in the spotlight due to a leaked private video circulating online, showing her in a compromising situation. Oviya, whose real name is Helen Nelson, is a well-known South Indian actor primarily working in Malayalam and Tamil cinema. She made her film debut in 2007 with the Tamil actress Oviya Helen recently addressed a controversial private video that has sparked debate, with many claiming it features her, though the video's authenticity remains unverified. In The Video Leak Controversy. The recent feud involving Oviya came as a result of a video that leaked on Oviya's posted social media title X in which she was seen in closeness with other people. Enjoy the Trending South Indian Big Boss Tamil Actress Oviya nude viral sex video, she give him a doggy fuck and hot blowjob to make him cum. Actress Pragya Nagra nude fucking leaked sex video. 27K 56%. HD 14:39. Indian Porn Star Horny lily seductive blowjob action 02:19. Nadigai having affair even the husband on home in a blue film. 6K Oviya took to her comment section to deliver a sharp reply to the trolls. A user commented in Tamil, "A 17-second video has been shared, madam," to which Oviya replied simply, "Enjoy." Oviya Helen Leaked

MMS Case: Tamil actor Oviya Helen took a strong step against the perpetrator, who shared a fake intimate and private video of her.The video clip was morphed and widely circulated on social media platform X purposefully to insult Oviya and tarnish her image, informed the actor's manager while confirming her decision to move legally against it. Oviya Helen leak video real or fake xxx sexy Xvideo xnxx viral leaked video, is here to release all her secret porno clips and just for your eyes only! The glamorous Oviya Helen leak video real or fake xxx bombshell makes her scenes in the most beautiful decors under many sunsets, you don't want to miss!