Gaza Civil Defence Worker: “The smell of death never leaves me”

Gaza Civil Defense’s brave men continue their mission, having completed +45,000 tasks since the war began. A workload that would normally take 30 years.

Civil Defense testimonies: "I've become numb. Everything feels the same. I was injured while driving an ambulance with 4 killed and 4 wounded, but I managed to get them to the hospital."

"I see children's remains in my nightmares, and the smell of death never leaves me."

"We have no equipment and often use our bare hands to rescue the injured and pull people from the rubble. I've had to flee with my family 5 times across Gaza."

"We sometimes rely on young volunteers due to the shortage of crews. Lack of fuel and blocked roads make it difficult to reach and perform our duties on time."

Gaza’s Civil Defense: Enduring the Struggle 60% equipment destroyed 80 Killed 260 injured 12 captured