Earn SolPAL Token For Socializing.

What is SolPAL?

SolPAL Token ($SPL) is an Solana & ERC-20 based token. It is a utility token designed to provide SolPAL ecosystem benefits and to enable access to attractive opportunities, as well as innovative products and services in the SolPAL social network space.SPL holders have access to various ecosystem benefits on SolPal Social Network, such as a boost on the page, or post, or advertising on the platform or to convert solpal token directly to fiat onto SolPal Social Network.

SolPAL Token System.

Each 1000 points equal $1.
Your daily points limit is 2000 SPL Token,Your daily points limit will be reset after 24 hours from your last valid earned action. You can withdraw your money or You can transfer your money to your  wallet

How much token will you get for Socializing?.


For creating a new post.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 1 SPL token for creating a post. for example, if you upload a photos, Videos, or an article, 1 spl token will automatically added to your solpal token bank.

For each post view.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 0.001 SPL token for each post view. for example, if any user view your post, videos, article, you'll get 0.001 SPL token that will automatically added to your SolPAL token bank.

For commenting any post.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 1 SPL token for commenting any post. for example, if you comment anyones post, 1 spl token will automatically added to your solpal token bank.

For reacting on any post.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 0.001 SPL token for reacting on any post. for example, if you likes, reacts on anyones post, 0.001 spl token will automatically added to your solpal token bank.

For each follower you got.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 1 SPL token for each follower they got. for example, if anyone become a friends or anyone follow you, 1 spl token will automatically added to your solpal token bank.

For referring user.

Our Soulful SolPAL user will get 0.001 SPL token for referring user. for example, if anyone sign up via your referral link, 0.001 spl token will automatically added to your solpal token bank.


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