Fallout 76's latest update has introduced a bunch of much-needed fixes and changes to the game. While many are small, there are a few notable changes that will make some things considerably easier for players. From quest fixes to enemy balances, this update will tackle some annoying and sometimes even game-breaking issues.

Novice Of Mysteries Quest Fix

The Mistress of Mysteries questline has been in Fallout 76 since the beginning. And, while it is a very interesting story, some have had issues around the mission getting stuck. While this didn't happen all that often, those who were affected by this weren't able to complete the quest. Now, that's no longer a problem as players can complete the quest with no issues.

Displayed Bats Now Display The Correct Textures

There are three rare baseball bats in the game; yellow, pink, and indigo. Players who have been fortunate enough to get one of these can now show it off at their CAMP for all to see, thanks to this fix.

Scorchbeasts And The Scorchbeast Queen Sonic Blast Reduction

For a very long time, players who venture too close to a Scorchbeast of the Scorchbeast Queen would get constantly blasted by the beast's sonic pulse. This constant stream of attacks would not only injure the player but also shake their screen, making movement considerably more difficult. This fix has greatly reduced the number of sonic blast attacks that a Scorchbeast can unleash in quick succession. This is going to be a very popular change among those who enjoy taking part in the Scorched Earth event.

Multiple Gleaming Depths Fixes

There have been a few issues around Gleaming Depths. While not all of them have been addressed in this update, a couple of them have been fixed. The most notable ones can be seen below:

    Mothman no longer whispers in the Gleaming Depths
    Vulcan Research Lab health and progress bars are now localized
    Players who take down the Epsilon Squad within the required time are now guaranteed the Epsilon Squad Trophy

Counterfeit Bottle Cap Press Now Works Correctly

This machine caused quite a stir among players. It was an Atomic Shop item, meaning that it could only be obtained by spending Atoms. Since Atoms can be purchased with real-world money, there were more than a few disappointed players when Bethesda removed the machine from the game. However, the issues surrounding the press have been fixed and players can now purchase and build the Counterfeit Bottle Cap Press at their CAMPs.

Motorized Butter Churn Is Now Easier To Find

All CAMP items that produce resources should be under the resource tab. Unfortunately, this wasn't true for the Motorized Butter Churn. Many players had a hard time finding this in the build menu. The Motorized Butter Churn is a very popular resource as it produces cooking oil over time. This Fasnacht Day reward was one of the more popular and therefore expensive plans during last year's Fasnacht festivities. Since it can now be found under the correct build category, players will have an easier time getting set up to produce cooking oil while they go off and explore the wasteland.

Mutated Safe And Sound Bug Fix

There are quite a few mutated events in Fallout 76. Recently, the event pool was extended and players can now complete even more mutated events during Mutated Event Weeks. The main purpose of completing a mutated event is to get a Mutated Party Pack. Unfortunately, many players have not been able to snag a Mutated Party Pack upon completing the mutated version of Safe and Sound. This has now been fixed and players are once again guaranteed to receive a Party Pack upon completing the event.

Various Text Changes

Certain effects from armor pieces, weapons, mods, and even lunchboxes weren't very descriptive. Some of the more vague descriptions made it pretty tricky for players to decipher what they meant. Since players rely on various effects to progress through the game, being able to understand what an item will do is crucial. This update has changed the wording on some of the Lunchbox effects to make them more informative. Not only that, but the description of the Bolstering effect is not much clearer. While there have been a few other description changes, the aforementioned items were the trickiest ones for new players to decipher.

That is all you need to know about 8 Best Changes In The New Update for Fallout 76! If you want to know more, please browse U4GM! For those who lack the time to collect bottle caps but still wish to enjoy all the game has to offer, cheap Fallout 76 caps can be easily obtained from the U4GM store.