Finding Power Armor in Fallout 76 is a crucial part of the game, offering enhanced protection and combat capabilities. Power Armor can be found in various locations across Appalachia, often in abandoned buildings, military installations, and even out in the open. This guide will help you locate some of the most accessible Power Armor suits in the game.

Regions and Locations

The Forest

  • Aaronholt Homestead: Located northwest of Vault 76, near the edge of Toxic Valley. The Power Armor is behind a door that can be lockpicked, or you can find a key on a nearby corpse.

  • WV Lumber Company Co.: Situated far north along the western river. The armor is in a shed, easily visible.

  • Billings Homestead: Due south from Point Pleasant along the river coastline. The Power Armor is in a shed near large grain silos.

When searching for Power Armor in Fallout 76, players should also consider using Fallout 76 items that enhance their ability to survive and encounter these powerful suits. Items such as stimpaks, which heal your character, and lockpicks or skeleton keys, which grant access to locked areas, are essential for navigating the post-apocalyptic world of Appalachia. Additionally, equipment like high-level armor can protect you while you wait for server hopping to yield the desired Power Armor sets. By combining strategic use of these items with knowledge of Power Armor locations, you can increase your chances of securing these valuable pieces of equipment.

Toxic Valley

  • Black Bear Lodge: Southeast of the large crocodile water park, inside a red barn.

  • Clarksburg: Next to a chest in an upper room of the repair shop, accessible via the roof.

  • East Regional Penitentiary: In a warehouse within the prison yard, but beware of super mutants.

  • Crashed Space Station: Outside a small shed on the edge of the crater.

Savage Divide

  • Ripper Alley: A small raider camp south of the West Tek Research Center. Check along the makeshift fortifications by the cave.

  • Morgantown Trainyard: Northwest of Portside Pub. Look for a train carriage labeled "USA Star" near a rusty crane.

Cranberry Bog

  • Firebase LT: At the northern edge of the Cranberry Bog. Power Armor may be standing by a large tent.

The Mire

This region offers several Power Armor locations, but they are less documented and often require exploration to find.


  • Watoga Municipal Center: Find a complimentary set of T-45 Power Armor here.

  • Central Watoga: Search for T-51b Power Armor in this area.

  • Southern Watoga: Look for T-60 Power Armor in the southern regions.

Additional Tips

  • Server Hopping: If you find an empty Power Armor station, try server hopping to increase your chances of finding a complete set before other players do.

  • Quest Rewards: Some Power Armors are exclusive to quest lines, such as the Raider, Excavator, and Ultracite Power Armors.

  • Purchasing Plans: Certain Power Armors, like the T-65 and Strangler Heart, require purchasing plans from specific vendors.


Finding Power Armor in Fallout 76 can be a rewarding experience, offering significant advantages in combat and exploration. By exploring these locations and using strategies like server hopping, you can acquire the Power Armor suits that best fit your playstyle. Remember, the first player to claim a Power Armor gets to keep it, so act quickly when you find one!