Situations involving dental emergency are usually daunting and thus patients require both guidance and reassurance more than anything else. Timely identification of a dental emergency helps handling it effectively. Considering this fact it is indeed vital to identify dental emergency conditions early before a problem can snowball to something serious. In the following sections of this post let us explore all these crucial information regarding dental emergencies so that you can take prompt steps in the right direction to alleviate the condition before getting examined and treated by a qualified dentist.

But first you have to understand what dental emergencies are and how do those occur.

How to recognise a dental emergency condition

Usually a dental emergency has a few typical symptoms, like severe pain in the mouth, swelling in the mouth or the face, bulges or knots formation on the gums, bleeding from the mouth, loose or knocked out tooth from the socket and others. Some of the top notch dentists in London suggest if you experience any of the conditions mentioned above, then it is essential to act promptly without making any unnecessary delay. As such there is no chance of thinking that the problem will resolve automatically with time. In most probable cases these are only symptoms which actually indicate the actual issue which remains underlying. If necessary actions are not taken promptly then the underlying issue or issues may escalate leading to much greater complexities and sufferings. In such cases the best thing to do is contact your trusted 24 hour emergency dentist in London or anywhere else near you and get promptly treated. Immediate intervention of a skilled, qualified and experienced dentist is the best thing that should happen to you or anyone else, suffering from any of the said conditions.

Immediate steps to take while handling a dental emergency

When you identify a dental emergency certain steps are there that you can immediately take to lessen the situation. Here are the steps you can take depending on the condition that you suffer from.

  • To deal with swelling and inflammation consider rinsing the mouth well with lukewarm water
  • Swelling can also be reduced or brought under control by applying a cold compress to the affected area of the mouth from outside (that is the cheek and the chin)
  • If a tooth has knocked out of its socket gently try to place it back into its socket and drop it in a cup of cold milk or water until a dentist examines both your injury and your tooth on an emergency appointment

If you experience a dental emergency you should not make any delay and visit a dentist nearby immediately. It is also better avoiding any hard, spicy food while suffering from any of these conditions. Hard and spicy foods may only aggravate the condition. 

What should you do when you are not sure what you are experiencing is a dental emergency

There are also dental conditions that do not come under the category of dental emergency. When you suffer from any such condition, it is always see a dentist as early as possible but it is alright to wait your turn for a normal appointment during regular business hours. Examples of these conditions include the following –

  • Toothache ranging from dull to mild
  • Broken or damaged dental appliances like braces 
  • Tiny cracks or chips in the tooth
  •   Minor injury to the soft tissues in the mouth like a tiny cut or a sore
  • Anything stuck between the teeth

A renowned emergency dentist in Wimbledon suggest but if you are experiencing severe bleeding or unbearable pain then you must see a dentist or a healthcare provider immediately without any delay.

Tips for managing symptoms until a dentist sees you

  • Suffering from a dull ache in the tooth

In this condition thoroughly rinsing the mouth with lukewarm water often proves helpful. If the ache results from any object stuck between the teeth then you should even floss the teeth. To curb the pain you can go for pain relievers that are available over the counter at chemist shops like naproxen, acetaminophen or ibuprofen. It is important to note that under no circumstance should you place aspirin directly on the gums. It will burn the soft tissues of the gums almost in no time. If the pain keeps continuing you must schedule an appointment with your dentist on priority basis. 

  • Mild chip or crack in the tooth

If your tooth sustains a mild chip or crack and there is no pain then it is okay to wait until a dentist can see you. In other words in that case there is no need to book an emergency appointment to provide prompt care and treatment to the condition. If there any sharp edge as a result which brushes against the tongue or the soft tissues of the cheek or the chin in that case a busy emergency dentist in Wimbledon suggests applying dental wax for the time being till you can see your dentist. Dental wax is readily available over the counter at pharmacies.

  • Damaged or broken braces

Braces may accidentally break to pieces and if that does not lead to bleeding from the mouth then it is not a case of dental emergency. But a broken wire may poke against your cheek or the tongue. In that case you have to bend it gently using any blunt object first and then apply little dental wax on it before you go to see your dentist.

  • Anything stuck between the teeth

It is possible that something or some object may get stuck between the teeth to cause pain and discomfort. Flossing is a good means to sort out those problems. Alternatively you can also make use of inter proximal toothbrush. However you should never try to bring out that stuck item or object using any sharp instrument.  

  • Minor injury or damage to the soft tissues of the mouth

In these cases rinsing the mouth with lukewarm saltwater or any antibacterial alcohol-free mouthwash proves effective. You may even apply pressure at the damaged site with fresh cotton gauze to check bleeding. This should stop bleeding within fifteen to twenty minutes. But if bleeding does not stop even after that time then you must visit a dentist on an emergency appointment.

Walk into the A&E room of local hospital with toothache

If you suffer from unbearable pain in the tooth when your dentist’s office is not open in that case you can walk into the A&E room of local hospital to get treated. According to trained and experienced dentists working at the widely trusted SW19 Confidental Dental Clinic in Wimbledon, London professional medics at the hospital are capable of putting your pain and discomfort to rest until you see a dentist.