There are a very large number of people all over the world including the United Kingdom who want to improve the appearance of their teeth without undergoing any invasive procedure. For this category of people composite bonding proves to be an excellent option! This dental cosmetic treatment involves a simple procedure which usually does not require more than a single appointment with a dentist. The procedure involves applying a composite resin material to the teeth and then shaping and sculpting it before giving a polish to blend seamlessly with the rest of the natural teeth in the mouth. It is relevant to mention that the composite resin that is used in the procedure bears the natural colour of the tooth. As a result of all these measures your composite bonded tooth or teeth can hardly be distinguished with the rest of the natural teeth in your mouth.

However once the procedure gets over it is your responsibility to make proper care of your bonded teeth to enjoy the results of the treatment longer. The question is how to take the right care of the teeth after those have undergone composite bonding. Let us try exploring the answer across the paragraphs below.

Right caring and maintenance tips for your composite bonded teeth

Skilled and experienced dentists who quote almost throwaway prices for composite bonding in London share few tips about how to take the right care of your teeth after composite bonding procedure.

Correctly brush and floss the teeth every day

One of the best and fundamental things that you can do to extend the results of your composite bonding treatment is properly brushing and flossing the teeth every day. Brushing is a great way in itself to clear away harmful plaque build-ups from the teeth as well as the overall mouth. Combined effort of proper brushing and flossing saves you from decay of the teeth and gum disease in the long run. Ideally you should brush the teeth twice daily once in the morning before starting your day and at night before retiring to bed. Your toothbrush must have soft bristles and avoid those hard bristled ones. You can make use of any toothpaste with fluoride base. Never brush vigorously and rather you must be gentle with brushing so that there is no damage to your composite bonding from vigorous brushing. In fact vigorous brushing also damages the natural enamel coating of the tooth which in turn leads to various oral health problems. Make sure brushing covers all the three surfaces of the teeth.    

Flossing on the other hand when done in the right way proves effective removing harmful plaques and food particles from those areas of the mouth where the bristles of a toothbrush fail to reach. In easier words flossing is necessary to maintain sound oral hygiene. You should floss the teeth once daily with a gentle back and forth motion. If you are not gentle with flossing then you may end up damaging your composite veneers.

Any toothpaste that is non abrasive is best to use

The best rather safest way to avoid any kind of damage to composite bonding is using any toothpaste that is non abrasive. Abrasive toothpastes contain elements that result in scratching and wearing down of surface of composite bonding. This makes the bonding more easily susceptible to discolouration and staining explain dentists who offer easily affordable and cheap composite bonding in London over the years. To make things even safer for you there are specific categories of toothpastes in the market those are specially formulated for composite bonded teeth and are also non abrasive. You should better invest in those categories of products suggest the dental professionals.

Give up smoking and any other tobacco product

Smoking or using any other tobacco product is always harmful for your health and wellbeing. Tobacco affects both your physical and oral health at the same time making you prone to various life threatening conditions. Use of tobacco products including habitual smoking also proves harmful when reaping long term results of composite bonding is concerned. It makes your composite bonding appear unsightly yellowish and stained. Undoing this discolouration is practically impossible. In order to maintain the results of your composite bonding solution for lengthier periods of time the best thing you can do is give up smoking as well as using any other tobacco product.

Do not over indulge in foods and drinks that cause staining

By and large composite bonding is naturally resistant to stain. In fact this is one of the biggest advantages of the cosmetic dentistry procedure. However it is still crucial to limit consumption of certain foods and drinks that cause staining. Excessive indulgence in these foods or drinks may stain your composite bonding easily. The list includes popular beverages like coffee, red wine, tea, soda and cola drinks in one hand while on the other there are berries, sauces that are dark in colour and others. If you consume any of these items once in a blue moon you should immediately rinse the mouth well with water and brush the teeth as quickly as you can. According to dentists who offer reasonable cost for composite bonding in London these measures help avoiding staining of your composite bonding to some extent or the other.

Attend routine dental checkups

If you want to extend the life of your composite bonding then attending routine dental checkups with your dentist is a must. Ideally you should visit your dentist for routine checkups once every six months. During these visits your dentist examines both your teeth and the bonding to ensure those are strong, healthy and capable of functioning properly. These visits also make the best opportunity of professionally cleaning your teeth as well as the composite bonding if required.

Stop using your tooth as a tool and chewing on hard objects

When you have composite bonding on your teeth you must resist yourself from chewing on hard objects. These include certain nuts, celery, hard candy, kernel of popcorn, ice cubes and others. It is also important to quit habits like nail biting, biting on pen tips and pencil caps. You should also refrain from using the teeth as a tool to say opening up an envelope. All these actions may result in cracking or chipping of your dental bonding.

Invest in a custom fitted mouth guard

If you partake in certain sports like football, ice hockey, etc, or suffer from bruxism it is better to ask your dentist to prepare a custom fitted mouthy guard to protect your teeth as well as composite bonding at the same time.

The Chatfield Dental Braces is one of the most reliable places in and around London for functionally flawless and aesthetically appealing dental cosmetic bonding treatment. Please feel free to book your appointment with Chatfield Dental Braces Clinic in Battersea now.